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Herbed Veggie Fries

Indulge in savory, crispy "fries" without the guilt! Almost any vegetable you fancy will work for this crunchy side, from whole green beans to sliced beets, carrots, parsnips or sweet potatoes. The key is to keep the vegetables uniform in size to ensure even cooking and to be sure they're not cut so skinny that they turn into a pile of unrecognizable burnt strips. Having said all that, this is really more of a method than it is a recipe.

Here's the method: Rinse and pat dry your vegetable(s). Cut veggies into "sticks" that are 1/2-inch wide. Toss in a bowl with 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil (a bit more if you have a lot of veggies), 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Spread evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Additional optional seasonings: Veggies fries prepared to this point are wonderful just as they are but you can jazz them up a bit, if you wish. Try a sprinkle of ground cumin and cinnamon, Italian seasoning blend and grated Parmesan, paprika and chili pepper, or some other combination of dried herbs and spices. Into the Oven They Go

Roast at 425' F until tender and browned, about 20-25 minutes. Watch them disappear!

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