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Fragrant Herbal Bath Gel

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This formula makes a natural bath gel that gently cleanses skin and soothes the soul with its fresh, lavender scent. Use in the shower or add to a tub of warm water. Recipe makes about ½ pint. Makes a great gift!    


2 cups filtered or distilled water
2 tablespoons organic sweet woodruff
3 tablespoons organic lavender flowers
2 tablespoons organic comfrey leaf
10 tablespoons liquid castile soap
4 tablespoons vegetable glycerin
2 tablespoons witch hazel extract
10 drops organic lavender essential oil
2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin


1. Bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat; add herbs and cover to steep for 20 minutes.
2. Strain and discard herbal material, reserving liquid. Add the castile soap and stir.
3. In a small bowl, combine the glycerin, witch hazel and essential oil. Stir this into the herb infusion and soap mixture.
4. Add the gelatin and stir to dissolve.
5. Let the bath gel cool, then poor into small, decorative jars and label. 


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