Almond & Orange Facial Scrub

Skin looks and feels best when regularly but gently exfoliated. Not only does this improve dryness, but it also stimulates new cell turnover. The result is a fresh complexion that glows. This formula is perfect for summer skin care.


½ cup ground almonds

½ cup dried, ground orange peel

1 cup ground oats

4 drops sweet orange essential oil (optional)

Tip: Use a spice or coffee grinder to grind the almonds, orange peel and oats.


Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl; stir to mix. Add the essential oil and stir well to incorporate. Store in a clean glass jar with a lid. To use, mix a small amount in the palm of your hand with warm water to make a paste. Massage onto skin using small, circular motions, taking care to avoid the eye area. Rinse well with warm water, followed by a few splashes of cool water. Pat skin dry. Tone and moisturize as usual. Use weekly for best results.

Get organic dried orange peel and sweet orange essential oil to make this ...
